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    5 Symptoms of Infertility you should Never Ignore

    If you’re experiencing any of these symptoms, it might be time to visit the fertility doctor.

    The general rule, if you’re under 35, is to try to conceive for one year before seeing a fertility specialist. But if you have any of these 5 symptoms, you shouldn’t wait that long – instead, it’s worth booking an appointment with your doctor right away.

    Not only could treatment help you get pregnant more quickly, but it could even help catch other potentially serious issues sooner, too. The good news is that most of these conditions can be treated with medication or surgery so pregnancy can finally happen.

    You may rarely see your period. We have heard of cases where women don’t see their periods, even though they have been through puberty, aren’t pregnant, or haven’t gone through menopause. This is usually referred to as Amenorrhea. If this is the case for you, then you may need to see a specialist.

    No period suggests that a woman is not ovulating and has little chance to conceive without assistance. In this case, medication can be introduced early to stimulate ovulation or to regularize your period if you are not ready to conceive.

    Irregular Periods

    If you don’t get your period regularly, you may never tell when or if you’re going to ovulate.
    Cycles that come sporadically are indicative of an underlying disorder related to ovulating, which can make conception very challenging. The reasons are similar to a complete lack of periods: polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), thyroid disorders, and hypothalamic amenorrhea, in which the brain’s hormone-sending signals are off. Irregular cycles may also be a sign of diminished ovarian reserve caused by endometriosis or early ovarian failure.

    Bleeding between periods

    Generally, you should only bleed when you have your period.
    Bleeding in between your cycles or after intercourse can indicate a uterine polyp or fibroid, or a cervical lesion, Besides the issue of getting pregnant, get this checked by a doctor just in case it’s not something more serious.

    Extremely heavy periods

    If you go through more than one pad or tampon an hour for several hours, pass blood clots larger than the size of a quarter or bleed for more than seven days, your period is unsually heavy.
    This can be a sign of uterine fibroids. Heavy periods are also associated with certain bleeding disorders or endocrine abnormalities. Fibroids can be shrunk or removed if they inhibit pregnancy, and blood disorders can be managed with medication.

    Pelvic Pain

    If you have really bad period cramps, pain throughout your cycle or after sex, it could be endometriosis. Endometriosis can lead to scarring of pelvic structures, reducing fertility and increasing the risk of ectopic pregnancy. Also Endometriosis may diminish a woman’s egg supply, so a faster-paced evaluation and treatment may be recommended.

    Pelvic pain with fever and an abnormal discharge could be a sign of infection, which may also lead to scarring. Pelvic infection puts a woman at significant risk of tubal blockage. A test to see if the tubes are open should be done soon after the couple starts to attempt conception.

    Disclaimer: Our blog articles are to enlighten you on general healtcare or fertility-related issues. This isn’t a diagnosis. Please feel free to reach out to us here for a consultation with a specialist to examine your case

    1 Comment

    • James

      Love this!!

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