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    Does diet and weight impact fertility
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    Does Diet and Weight Impact Fertility?

    No doubt, the answer simply is “YES.”

    Research has been carried out to determine the impact of diet and weight on the wellness of an individual, and it has been observed that the majority of the health issues have been associated with poor diet and weight factors (i.e., being overweight or underweight).

    Fertility is not left out because it inevitably reflects your health as an individual.

    Infertility experiences have a significant psychological, physical, and economic impact on couples. Hence, increasing the chances of conception is paramount to experiencing the joy of parenthood.

    A healthy and balanced diet and maintaining a healthy weight play a key role in your journey to conception. This, therefore, implies that proper information about your diet and weight can help to keep your sperm and eggs in good condition, thereby fostering a healthy conception and pregnancy journey.

    A Healthy Diet for Fertility

    As humans, we depend on certain elements like vitamins, proteins, minerals, and a conducive environment to keep our bodies in a healthy state. So, you must ensure a proper balance of nutrients from consumed food as it can facilitate conception.

    What should be included in your diet while trying to conceive?
    • Folic acid
    • Supplements with multivitamins such as Vitamin B12 and Vitamin D
    • Fresh leafy vegetables
    • Fresh fruits
    • Whole grains
    • Seafood
    • Nuts

    Healthy Weight for Fertility

    Just as important as a healthy diet plays an important role in conception, a healthy weight plays such a vital role too. Weight factors such as being overweight or underweight can affect your chances of conception because a lack of fat or an excess of it can lead to reproductive hormonal imbalance which can affect your chances of getting pregnant. Being overweight and underweight can affect both males and females. It is, therefore, necessary to pay attention to these issues.

    Being overweight in females can be a result of hormonal imbalance, it can also be a result of having polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) or thyroid disorders. Weight extremes can lead to irregularity of the menstrual cycle, and in men, it can lead to problems with erection.

    Underweight on the other hand can cause anovulation and subsequent absence of the menstrual cycle.
    Maintaining a proper body mass index (BMI) is essential but most importantly, you must note that before you begin the process of either losing weight or adding weight to foster your chances of conception, speak with your doctor for proper medical counsel on what to focus on.

    After conception, the process of maintaining a healthy diet and weight continues. Weight extremes during pregnancy can lead to miscarriage, stillbirth, high blood pressure, caesarian delivery, and so on. The next question on your mind would be how to maintain a healthy weight on this fertility journey.

    How do I maintain a healthy weight while trying to conceive?
    • Have a healthy diet plan
    • Add vegetables to your list
    • Drink enough clean water
    • Cut out excessive consummation of junk
    • Exercise moderately
    • Have a healthy lifestyle
    • Avoid excessive intake of alcohol, tobacco, and caffeine
    • Get adequate rest on daily basis. I.e. avoid stress as much as you can.
    • Include some healthy dairies into your daily consumption meals

    Conclusively, it is therefore very important that you be very careful about having a healthy diet and how much weight you subject your body to carry as they have a great impact on your fertility and that of your partner.

    For further questions and inquiries, please send us a DM or visit our website to book a consultation with our specialists.

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